
Batman feels the Breese

A little behind on posting this piece.  I actually started "Batman" the Monday before the film's opening and was just getting to painting it when the news of the tragedy in Colorado reached me.  

I was in the process of designing/painting the red lettering... I stared at it for a while... the questions began to flood into my mind: Was the piece in poor taste? Was continuing disrespectful to those who were injured or lost their lives?  The red paint just sat there, and so did I. 

I am first and foremost a Coloradan - blood and bone.  The Rockies are my calling and I dream of the Mile High City often.  I, like so many others, was there for the Columbine tragedy and with them, I hoped it would be the last.  It wasn't - we just don't seem to learn from these events anymore.

A few days passed and then it hit me: Batman hates guns.  Recalling this fact gave me some momentum and I ultimately finished the painting some days later.

"Batman" (temporary title) is ink and gouache on paper.  

My heart goes out to those who were murdered/injured and to all my fellow Coloradans. 

---> Kinda has a weird Atari game cover feel doesn't it?