What a wonderful way to end the year! The New Devil's Dictionary's has been recommended by VOGUE! Save the best for last (10 of 10). A big congratulations to Rhoda, James, and the design team.
This piece was my opportunity to explore a cool and unique face. Something I dig about Johnny Depp is that he appears to be quite stand-offish in the public eye, yet he has very solid smile lines - the sign of a happy disposition + he tends to laugh a lot on camera in a very chill way (is that possible?).
I've been a fan since Edward Scissorhands - great flick. This piece touches on then and now. I didn't want to focus on a particular time for this piece, but rather aim on getting a sense of both the man and the myth. Of course, only Johnny Depp knows Johnny Depp.
This piece speaks to my aesthetic on so many levels. Clean, refined, and direct. Not a ton of changes from the sketch, but there are some key differences. I think it's important to let the piece evolve at any moment, even on the final. When working with ink, changes on the fly can often lead to one of two outcomes: "Nice!" or "Noooooo!!! I can't believe I f*.king did that." Either way, you learn something.
Movies hold a very special place for me - teeming with inspiration - and this past year my mind was illuminated by Darren Aronofsky's "Black Swan." A brilliant film that so inspired me that I drove home from the theater and worked on this piece for upwards of five hours.
My goal was to create a Jekyll and Hyde type illustration that explored the battle of the two swans (black and white) without loosing the inherent innocence of the young woman behind both. To date, this is the only time I've photographed my process - 100+ photos compiled into a short vid - I'm glad I did.
Aronofsky's "Black Swan" is a tremendous achievement and something I encourage you all to experience, if you've not done so already.